Facial Expression Recognition – A Comprehensive Review


  • Ebenezer Owusu Koforidua Polytehnic, Ghana,
  • Ebenezer Komla Gavua Koforidua Polytehnic, Ghana
  • Zhan Yong-Zhao




In this paper, we have provided a comprehensive review of modern facial expression recognition system. The history of the technology as well as the current status in terms of accomplishments and challenges has been emphasized. First, we highlighted some modern applications of the technology. The best methods of face detection, an essential component of automatic facial expression system, are also discussed. Facial Action Coding Systems- the cumulative database of research and development of micro expressions within the behavioral science are also enlightened. Then various facial expression databases and the types of recognitions are explained in detail. Finally, we provided the procedures of facial expression recognition from feature extraction to classifications, emphasizing on modern and best approaches. Then the challenges encountered when comparing results with others are highlighted and suggestions to alleviate the problems, provided.

Keywords: FACS; Expression recognition; spatial; spatio-temporal; expression classification




How to Cite

Owusu, E., Gavua, E. K., & Yong-Zhao, Z. (2020). Facial Expression Recognition – A Comprehensive Review. International Journal of Technology and Management Research, 1(4), 29–46. https://doi.org/10.47127/ijtmr.v1i4.36