Durability studies of an indirect diesel engine run on raw palm kernel oil
This works considered the possibility of using raw palm kernel oil as an alternative to petroleum diesel fuel in a VW engine. At present, very little results on engine durability tests of palm kernel oil use as a fuel has been recorded in literature. A Four-stroke indirect injection diesel engine with capacity of 314,280x 10³mm³ and compression ratio 20.1:1 with constant water cooler was used for the investigation. The engine used for the experimentation is an indirect diesel engine, which is normally the type installed on agricultural engines. The engine was run alternatively for 100 hours on petroleum diesel and palm kernel oil respectively. After the durability test, sample of the lubricating oil was collected and sent for laboratory test. Viscosity, additives and metallic debris was analysed during the laboratory test for both fuel cases to determine wear. Visual inspection was also carried out to determine the state of the engine before and after each run. The engine run with petroleum diesel fuel was compared with that of the engine with palm kernel oil based on their fuel supply system and the lubricating oil analysis. The results showed that raw palm kernel oil can be used as a substitute to petroleum diesel in an indirect diesel engine without any significant damage. In terms wear, the vegetable oil even showed better performance due to its high lubricity compared with petroleum diesel fuel. It is recommended that a heating system be installed on the engine to run on palm kernel oil.
Keywords: palm kernel oil; raw vegetable oil; straight vegetable oil; durability; lubrication oil.