Effect of Cooking on Cooking Time, Nutritional Content and Sensory Properties of Pawpaw-treated Bambara Groundnut
Cooking of bambara groundnut is time and energy consuming. This research was therefore carried out to find a way of reducing the cooking time of bambara groundnut and at the same time reduce losses of nutrients. Green pawpaw slices, both fresh and dried were added to the raw bambara groundnut and cooked. The treated Bambara groundnut recorded the lowest cooking time (P<0.05) compared with the untreated. The treatment did not have any effect (P<0.05) on the calcium, and phosphorous contents, but rather led to increased levels (P<0.05) of crude protein, crude fat and iron but reduced levels of carbohydrate, crude fibre and ash content. However, the untreated Bambara groundnut gave the best sensory properties and hence the best overall acceptability. The findings of the research when applied, has the potential to reduce fuel consumption and conserve the environment.
Keywords: Green pawpaw; Bambara groundnut; cooking; dry pawpaw slices; crude.