Perception of Turnitin: Checking Plagiarism among Staff at Koforidua Technical University (KTU), Ghana


  • Edward Asante Koforidua Technical University, Ghana
  • Patrick Baayel Koforidua Technical University, Ghana
  • Kenneth Adjei Budu Wilson Koforidua Technical University, Ghana
  • Michael Owusu-Acheaw Koforidua Technical University, Ghana



plagiarism checker, technical universities, attitude and perception, perceived challenges, readiness to use, system usage, system awareness


The study explored perceptions on the usage of Turnitin Plagiarism checking software among the staff of Koforidua Technical University (KTU) in Ghana. The research sought to explore the associations between the independent variables (Attitude and Perception, Perceived Challenges and Readiness to Use) and the
dependent variable (System Usage) of the Turnitin Software among the staff of KTU. The survey adopted the quantitative research approach. Google forms were used to design questionnaires and mailed to the participants. The response rate valid for analysis was 98.7%, against a sample size of 309 participants.
SmartPLS3 software was used to explore the data extracted from google forms. The results of the convergent, discriminant validity calculation were all within the satisfactory threshold. Four hypothetical statements were tested, three of them showed significant association with the independent variables (Attitude and Perception, Perceived Challenges and Readiness to Use) and dependent variable (System Usage) except System Awareness which was not supported and rejected. The proposed model explained 66.7% invariance of the System Usage (Turnitin Software). The study recommends continuous dissemination of  information about the availability of the Turnitin Software in the University.


Citation: Asante, E., Baayel, P., Adjei, B., K.W., and Owusu-Acheaw, M. (2021). Perception of Turnitin: Checking Plagiarism among Staff at Koforidua Technical University (KTU), Ghana.

International Journal of Technology and Management Research (IJTMR), Vol. 6 (1): Pp.116-128.

Received: March 20, 2021
Accepted: September 1, 202




How to Cite

Asante , E., Baayel , P., Adjei Budu Wilson, . K., & Owusu-Acheaw, M. (2021). Perception of Turnitin: Checking Plagiarism among Staff at Koforidua Technical University (KTU), Ghana. International Journal of Technology and Management Research, 6(2), 116–128.